All of our cattle are Free Range and Source Verified from birth. These cattle are also verified too have never received supplemental growth hormones from birth to Harvest and are antibiotic free. Springerhill Ranch believes this is the most humane and sustainable method to produce Healthy Great Tasting Beef! Springerhill Ranch never uses dairy cattle as a source for their beef.
Start of Springerhill Ranch Brand To Present
Back in the 1800’s cattle were branded to show ownership as the beeves grazed the open rangelands. Today Springerhill Ranch proudly displays their brand on all beef products produced by Steve Mobley and his son, Michael.
At age 40 Steve, coming from a long line of cattleman, decided to pursue his passion of ranching. Being a 40 year old “cowman” presented its challenges to the physical demands of working a one-man cattle operation. First on the agenda was to get in some shape rather than bad shape. It didn’t take long for Steve to figure out that nutrition played a very big part in general wellness. Remember the phrase “You Are What You Eat!”? To be fit and healthy, you need to eat quality food. That awakening was similar to the one that Sir Isaac Newton had when the apple fell on his head. The result was to be Steve’s Most Excellent Idea, “Beef With Benefits, Not Consequences”. What if he could produce a red meat that would have a more positive fatty acid profile for humans to assimilate in their diet rather than an artery clogging saturated fat? Answer: 100% Grass Fed Beef.
When cattle are allowed to graze in open pastures on natural forage the result is a healthier, stress-free animal that produces a more wholesome product for the consumer. And it’s better for the environment! After realizing the benefits of grass fed beef, Steve formed a ranching operation that would be a pasture based feeding system for lean 100% grass fed beef cattle. Finally, by the late 80’s, Mr. Mobley’s passion for producing the alternative to conventional grain fed beef was ready to go. He named his operation Springerhill Ranch from his grandfather’s name Springer, who ran cattle on the family farm. This farm was the highest ground of the flat lands of Ellis County in North Texas.
Twenty-two years have passed and Springerhill Ranch has become a Proven and Trusted grass fed beef brand. Michael Mobley has now joined the family business of producing great tasting, healthy grass fed beef for grocery stores and food service. He is your hands-on guy who makes sure all aspects, from the pasture to the plate, are top-shelf. Springerhill Ranch is committed to producing great tasting, nutritious beef products. That’s a Benefit for you and the environment!